Supporting local people with dementia
Dementia Action Marlow was formed in 2020 to support the local community affected by dementia.
We provide support to people living with dementia and their carers, and facilitate social interaction by hosting weekly café gatherings to enable friendships between those people in similar situations.
We endeavour to provide a voice to improve the information pathways, help and support available. We now have approx 150 members from the Marlow and surrounding area, outskirts of Wycombe,
Bourne End, Henley & Penn.
We have grown to a team of over 20 volunteers supporting our group at the cafés, providing transport to the weekly cafés or outings and behind the scenes support.
Our Approach
We have built up a friendly and supportive circle for those living with dementia and their carers.
We welcome anyone who would like to join us at our weekly socials, you do not need a formal diagnosis. We try to be as flexible as possible and endeavour to accommodate whatever comes our way.
We also facilitate an increasing number of extra activities and outings throughout the year which include all members of our group.
Our Support
We run three activity sessions every week for people living with dementia and their carers. We also now host a Carers group every month. Please contact us initially if you would like to come along to one of our sessions.
We also work closely with other local charities and support organisations and can provide information of those who can help you. Please see our Information Pages.
Weekly Cafes
We host two weekly afternoon Cafes in Marlow. The Tuesday Cafe is held at the
Pugin Rooms, Marlow and the Wednesday Cafe at Age Concern, Marlow.
Anyone who would like to come along is very welcome, you do not need a formal
dementia diagnosis.
Please contact us in the first instance if you would like to join any of our socials.
What's Going on ..
Get in touch
If you have further questions or just want to get in touch, just fill in the contact form below.
Our Supporters
We would like to thank the following organisations and individuals who have supported Dementia Action Marlow and the local community.
St Peter's Church
Sir Aubrey Ward House
Marlow Round Table
Independent Living Consultants